
Progress Update No. 9

One year ago, we dropped our last Blog update. Usually we post a update at least every 6 month! We had a major Issue with multiple broken Word Press Updates or Plugins and had to secure every single page, before we could set up our website newly – lots of additional work for a mod […]

Progress Update No.8

Welcome to the Progress Update No.8 of the Bundeswehr Mod for SQUAD! This is LieutenantK, i am the project manager of the Bundeswehr Mod for the military tactic shooter SQUAD. The first half of 2023 was a bit slower for us, compared to 2022, but we have fresh progress to show anyways! First things first: […]

Progress Update No.7

Welcome to Progress Update No.7 of the Bundeswehr Mod for SQUAD and happy new year at the same time! This is LieutenantK, i am the project manager of the Bundeswehr Mod. It has been a productive 2022 for us and we have great progress to show. The best news comes first: We are nearing the […]

Progress Update No.6

Welcome to our progress update No.6! I’am LieutenantK, the project manager of the Bundeswehr Mod for SQUAD. With this blog update we are presenting our progress of the first half of 2022. You can expect to read about the status of weapons and vehicle development, as well as our progress in level design. We are […]

Progress Update No.4

Welcome to our fourth progress update for the SQUAD Bundeswehr Mod! I´m LieutenantK, the project manager of the mod. This time we proudly present insights into our Fulda Gap Leveldesign, a change of the Bundeswehr faction setup in light of OWI´s new divisions system and of course new impressions of our ongoing 2D/3D art development […]

Progress Update No.3

Welcome to our third progress update for the SQUAD Bundeswehr Mod! I´m LieutenantK, the project manager of the mod. If u are new here, have a look into our previous updates about our project: Bundeswehr Faction: A new dawn (incl. our development goals) Progress Update #1 Progress Update #2 The ones who followed our progress […]

Progress Update No.2

Welcome back to our second progress update for the SQUAD Bundeswehr Mod! If u are new here, have a look into our previous blog posts about our project: Bundeswehr Faction: A new dawn (incl. our development goals) Progress Update #1 For the ones who did not knew it yet: The Bundeswehr is the Armed Forces […]

Progress Update No.1

Dear SQUAD Community, wow. Just WOW. Our team used the last 6 month very well! This month, we proudly present our progress in weapons, characters, vehicles and FOB assets. Our new German faction is well on it´s way and we are working on nearly all items of our development list by now, which is awesome […]

Bundeswehr Faction: A new dawn…

When [DSK] LieutenantK joined the Bundeswehr mod team back in August 2019, not much was going on, since no PM and not enough modders kept the wheels spinning. Para did some animations with the G36 of .:Jinjer and he worked on a Erdziellafette for the MG3 whenever he got time, while doing his doctor in […]