Welcome to the Maps of the Bundeswehr Mod Team for SQUAD!
Narva+ Mod
The Narva+ Mod is a technology test bed and demonstrator for new game mechanics for SQUAD. It will evolve over time, so we can test our new technologies, until our Fulda Gap map project is available. The winter weather gives this map a stronger eastern-european-war vibe. Enjoy playing something new, combined with a vanilla map!
Fulda Gap [New German 8x8km Map]
Russian forces have overrun the vital city of Fulda, in Hessia. Amidst the chaos and klaxons of evacuation, NATO Forces hastily prepare their defensive positions around the town of Uttrichshausen and the A7 Autobahn-Viaduct. Will they be able to stop the Russian tank rush for Munich and Frankfurt? More under Fulda Gap (8x8km)
Custom made Level Props
More information’s about our custom made level props are to be found here: